"As we look forward into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others" |
Private Executive Leadership CoachingYou've proven you have what it takes to problem solve and strategize. You've made it as a leader. But now it is time to prepare yourself and your organization for the future.
The most useful resource is a confidant to act as your sounding board. Through private one-on-one discussions, we focus solely on YOUR priorities. Using our very own, proven Dots Coaching Process that takes you through a series of steps to help you discover, connect, reflect, activate and optimize to achieve your own desired outcomes in the workplace and in your career! It is a thought-provoking self-discovery process that stimulates your thinking. Tapping into the best YOU to overcome challenges and achieve the goals you seek. Dots Coaching Process |
What is Coaching? |
Benefits of Executive Coaching |
Coaches are frequently confused with therapists, consultants, mentors:
Coaching is a different type of conversation . There is a lot more asking versus telling. They focus on YOU, your goals; through listening and curiosity. They become a partner, your advocate and a champion for you to attempt to do things you only dreamt of doing. We help you focus on what is possible. |
Executive coaching is an ongoing interaction, challenging you to improve, motivate and sharpen your own awareness and approach. It helps you:
We coach you to overcome communication issues, career blockages, tap into your potential, and elevate you to a whole new level! |
This is what you get with Dots Leadership Coaching. A leadership support process that’s all about YOU and your team.
Through thought-provoking, supportive conversation, we’ll create private, personal action plans tailored to your goals and challenges together - and then we will hold you to it! Armed with an assortment of tools, lots of experience and some practice you will self-discover and develop meaningful steps that move you forward. You’ll receive support along the way in the form of straightforward, no nonsense feedback and guidance to keep you motivated and on track as you work towards your desired result. For more information, or to discuss how we can help you reach your leadership goals, please feel free to Contact Us. You can also learn more about Dots on our About page, or our Blog. |
Specialties |
Company |