Will Your Team Follow YOU?Updated April 2020 “Let’s play follow the leader Nanni,” my 3-year old grandson says, pulling on my hand. He leads me through the house, taking me downstairs and back upstairs. We crawl, we jump and we stand still; he laughs when I shadow him and is so delighted I’m following his lead. He then says, “Nanni its your turn to be the leader!” After much laughter, we fall into a heap on the couch. Fun and shenanigans like this make for some great memories. Too bad leading a team isn’t quite that straightforward – or is it? Trusting your team members to take the reins and empowering them to problem solve on their own demonstrates a great sign of leadership strength. The very best leaders involve their team in creating the roadmap to attaining business results. Likewise, they involve them in making improvements to the workplace where it will directly affect their roles. Today, organizations and employees are demanding more of their leaders than ever before. With corporate downsizing, rising inflation, the instability of the markets and a low Canadian dollar, companies are struggling to stay ahead. Each leader is the key to maximizing talent. "..the type of leadership people seek occurs in the midst of micro-opportunities and daily activities" trainingmagazine.com April 2020 Likewise leaders are looking for high performing teams who not only follow, but who can be trusted to take on key projects and initiatives – they have to be able to do far more with way less. Open communication between the leader and their team members is a critical success factor to high performance, yet many struggle to connect effectively. Therefore the relationship of the leader with their team is at the core of what builds employee engagement and results. How Do You Measure Up as a Leader Today?Here are some of the key leadership traits employees look for in today’s leader. Take a moment to evaluate yourself on a scale of 1-5. Authenticity ______________/5 A leader who is ‘real’ with their people. Someone who doesn’t hide behind a corporate mask and is humble enough to show they too make mistakes. They can relate to their employees as they have been in their shoes. Empowerment ______________/5 A leader who gives their employees the latitude to solve problems on their own and backs them up, when necessary. Reliability ______________/5 A leader who follows through on their commitments – they say what they will do and then, what do you know? They do it! Employees want to be able to count on their leader to be dependable. Supportiveness ______________/5 A leader who demonstrates support to their employees through action, not just words. They take time to know their people, they support their career goals and leverage their greatest strengths by giving them the right work. They then acknowledge and recognize their good work. Action Oriented ______________/5 A leader who gets things done, but does so with their team. They want them to succeed, together. Employees today want to be a part of a winning team who love to accomplish important and meaningful goals. Leading ______________/5 A leader who makes thoughtful decisions – is not ‘wishy-washy’. One who works with their employees to find their own path and who helps ‘connect the dots’ from organizational goals to the department, team and individual. Someone who organizes work appropriately, fully utilizing the best skills of their people. Free Assessment Download
So how DO you get your team to follow you? You demonstrate that their opinion matters.
Begin by seeking their very candid feedback using the very same assessment, and commit personally to take action accordingly! Ask your team to complete the attached assessment using these leadership traits and assess you anonymously - have them drop it in your mail slot or leave on your desk when you're not around. Letting them know what your plans are to address any areas you need to develop Once you have reviewed the feedback demonstrate to your people how you will be working on these areas. Additionally, share your results and plan with your own leader to open dialogue for further feedback from their perspective. Now that you have an idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are as a leader, create an action plan, focusing on the traits you may still need to work on. Be the leader others want to follow… The role of today’s leader is to create a positive employee experience tailored to meet the needs of individuals in the team, while delivering exceptional results for the business. Today’s leader requires a blend of finely honed communication skills and smart-savvy business prowess, with a knack for understanding and leveraging the skills of the people they lead. To create a positive culture and environment where your people really do want to follow you, take the time to learn about the people who work for you! You may discover some outstanding and hidden gems and have some fun at the same time! For more information, or to discuss how we can help you reach your leadership goals, please feel free to Contact Us. You can also learn more about Dots on our About page.
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AuthorElaine Adamson is a leadership consultant with Dots Leadership Solutions Inc. A natural dot connector. Passionate about coaching team effectiveness and leadership development she shares over 25+ years of real-life tips and tricks that really work! Elaine believes you can discover and leverage strengths to forge a strong team dynamic despite business challenges or organizational change.
She posts some great articles on Linked In too! Topics of Interest
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